Helps get people riding bikes, including those who may not be able to afford one; great resource for cycling assistance and repair;
Local cycling non-profit; encourages safe and enjoyable cycling;
Offers $10 bicycle rentals; open April through December;
Quality, trustworthy repair shop;
A locally owned, trustworthy bike shop: buy used bikes, get services, accessories… and there is a location by the LSC on the CSU campus.
Looking for an exercise program that will give you personal guidance and monitor your progress? Consider the Adult Fitness Program.
Wide range of programs, discounts, and special benefits available to CSU faculty and staff.
Human Resources created a list of privileges/programs available to CSU employees.
Discount programs that are offered through CSU to university employees.
Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS)
This program supports the participation of low-income parents in postsecondary education through the provision of campus-based child care services.
CPC Educational Assistance Award
A monetary award granted twice per year to help State Classified employees further their education.
Offers CSU employees up to 9 credits per academic year of free tuition.
Offers a competitive scholarship to CSU employees; being degree seeking is not a requirement.
Offers a career development tool to help CSU employees explore many facets of their professional development; includes a series of videos and accompanying pdfs that permit you to personalize your career development; enables you to identify your strengths and talents and align them with your career passions, interests, and options; assists you in identifying mentors and experimenting with future career decisions.
Provides a fixed percentage tuition scholarship for staff and their families;
GED Preparation and Training
- Front Range Community College
- Education and Life Training Center
- Poudre School District (GED at Poudre High School – towards the bottom of the page)
- Leading Learners
- College America
English as a Second Language
- The Writing Studio at CSU
- The Family Center – La Familia
- Front Range Community College
- Tower of English (Directory of private tutors)
- WyzAnt Tutoring (Directory of private tutors)
Provides help to meet financial needs incurred as a result of natural disaster.
Offers a helping hand in times of crisis for employees experiencing an unexpected emergency; loans are offered with little or no interest.
CSU state classified employees are eligible to either donate time to the Leave Sharing Program, or apply for additional leave when faced with an “unforeseeable life-altering event beyond your control.”
Provides financial grants up to $500 to enable employees and retirees to cope with emergency needs during a crisis; includes unforeseen emergencies from medical conditions, crime, fire, death, unexpected household dependents, and other difficult circumstances; includes all members of the state family – employees and retirees from all branches of Colorado state government.
CSU Parental and Catastrophic Circumstances Leave
Allows departments to provide an employee with at least nine weeks of compensated leave for birth mothers and three weeks for the non-birth parent, in most circumstances; creates a process which allows employee with catastrophic leave due to an extraordinary, unforeseen disaster or serious illness or injury for which accrued leave is unavailable.
CSU Office of The Ombuds & Employee Assistance Program
Offers a neutral, confidential, informal and independent resource for employees who seek alternatives for resolving conflicts and grievances; assists employees and members of their households with personal issues through no-cost counseling services as well as legal and financial planning resources.
CSU Center for Family & Couple Therapy
Provides high-quality therapy services to families, couples, individuals, adolescents and children; offers services to all members of our Larimer County community as well as students, faculty, and staff.
Provides counseling, financial planning services, and legal advice. Employees can access their Employee Assistance Program benefits.
Colorado State Employee Assistance Program (C-SEAP)
Professional assessment, referral, and short-term counseling services for all State employees with work-related or personal concerns and resource for supervisors and managers.
State Classified Compensation (CSU Human Resources)
Offers information about classification, job evaluation, compensation policy, compensation plans, performance management, position abolishment, supplemental pay, overtime/compensatory time, and more.
State Classified Compensation (CO Department of Personnel & Administration)
Offers information about job classifications, annual compensation plans and reports, performance management, leave and time off, personal services contracts, and more.
State Classified Benefits (CSU Human Resources)
Offers information about benefit eligibility, insurance plans, employee wellness plans, family medical leave, retirement program, and employee discount programs.
State Classified Benefits (CO Department of Personnel & Administration)
Offers information about medical insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, deadlines for new employees, insurance premiums, and more.
State of Colorado Work-Life Program
Offers information about flexible work arrangements, employee discounts, and resource/referral options.
State Personnel System Employee Handbook
Provides a comprehensive guide to the rules and regulations governing all Colorado State employees.
State of Colorado Leave & Time Off & Technical Guidance
The first link provides information about FMLA and ADA and holiday schedules; the second link offers detailed information about the different types of leave provided.
Provides information about retirement for Colorado public employees.
Colorado Statewide Liaison Council
Facilitates communication between the classified staff of the higher education institutions in Colorado.
Represents more than 31,000 state employees; works to improve quality of services, safety, pay and benefits, working conditions, conflict resolution, staff attrition and more to ensure an effective workforce to serve all Coloradans.
On-campus bus shuttle service;
Fort Collins and Northern Colorado bus service;
Bus Rapid Transit, North-South corridor bus route;
CSU car sharing service;
Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS)
This program allows employees up to 5 hours per month administrative leave to volunteer in any public school district.
Veterinary Teaching Hospital Volunteer Program
The Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s volunteer program strives to provide the hospital with needed volunteer help when necessary and to give undergraduate students and others in the community a chance to benefit from the hospital’s resources.
Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) Volunteer Program
The CSFS Volunteer Program provides hands-on opportunities for people of all ages and experience levels to learn about forestry and natural resources.
Colorado Master Gardener Volunteer Program
Colorado Master Gardener Volunteers assist CSU Extension staff in delivering knowledge-based gardening information to foster successful gardening.
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
The Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP) tracks and ranks Colorado’s rare and imperiled species and habitats, and provides information and expertise on these topics to promote the conservation of Colorado’s valuable biological resources.
Project Homeless Connect Fort Collins
Project Homeless Connect is a one-day event that provides individuals and families currently experiencing homelessness with access to vital services such as: rapid re-housing, basic medical exams, legal advice and much more. It’s a one-stop shop for assistance that helps families stop struggling and paves the way for their success.
Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement (SLiCE)
SLiCE creates an updated list of volunteer opportunities in Fort Collins. Categories range from animals, children/youth, education, environmental issues, food insecurity, health, poverty/homelessness, elderly citizens, people with disabilities, transportation, and women’s gender issues.